GNAS Imperial Outdoor
All GNAS Imperial outdoor rounds are 5 zone scoring and are shot on a 122cm face. The longest distance for gents is 100 yards and for ladies is 80 yards. Rounds usually shot at tournaments are the York, Hereford and Bristol. Other rounds include the St George, Albion, Westerns, Nationals and Warwicks.
GNAS Metric Outdoor
All GNAS Metric outdoor rounds are 10 zone scoring and are shot on 122cm and 80cm faces. The longest distance for gents is 90 metres and for ladies is 70 metres. Rounds include the Metric (same as the FITA), Long Metric, Short Metric and Half Metric.
FITA Recognised Outdoor
All FITA recognised outdoor rounds are 10 zone scoring and are shot on 122cm and 80cm faces. The longest distance for gents is 90 metres and for ladies is 70 metres. Rounds usually shot at tournaments are the FITA (Gents and Ladies), the FITA 70 and the FITA 900.
All indoor rounds are 10 zone scoring and are shot at varying distances in yards and metres on 40cm, 60cm or 80cm faces. The furthest distance is 30 metres for the Stafford which is usually shot outside at Cambria Bowmen’s Frostbite in February.
The most popular indoor rounds which are usually shot at tournaments are the Portsmouth and the FITA 18.
St Kingsmark shoot the Worcester round during the indoor season as a club shoot. The archer with the best improved handicap wins a trophy at the end of the indoor season.
For a full list of rounds click on the link below.
10 Zone Scoring (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
5 Zone Scoring (9, 7, 5. 3, 1)
Score … Mark … Pull
For FITA recognised rounds (FITA) the arrow holes are marked (i.e. a small mark is placed in pen at right angles to the arrow hole after the arrow has been scored and before it is pulled); GNAS (York, Hereford, etc) are not marked.
For a full list of classifications click the link below and go to the end of the document.